It's nearing the end of August, and this project I began 6 months ago is plodding along.  It's been suggested that I create this blog to give a view.

Years ago talking to Bob Foell, a cherished member of the church who lived to be 103, I had the original idea of writing about our church.  Bob was a joy to talk to, and knew so much about our history and building.  Unfortunately work and family took my attention away from this concept, until now.  Recently several of us were at Larry Davis' daughter's memorial, and the people at the table were reminiscing about memories of the old church.  And Pastor Steve mentioned the upcoming 150th anniversary coming up in 2022.  Voila, the long-ago-concept finally got off the ground.

I am still in the process of contacting current and near-current members for phone interviews, speaking to them about how they started coming to GBCBB, memories of the church downtown, other favorite memories, and anything else they'd like to share about their family and faith journey.  I conduct these interviews, and then transcribe them.

I'm also continuing to work on the historical research.  I've gone through most of the materials at the church, and that I can find online and read 3 biographies of Conwell.  I'm currently reading "The Peoples of Philadelphia," a book that gives me some perspective about the people and the city around the time our church was originally started.  Next up in my research is a book on "Baptists in America."

I have several ideas on how this research may culminate but would appreciate your input and feedback. 

If you'd like to be interviewed, have information that you think is relevant, or questions, contact me at

Finally, I wholeheartedly appreciate your prayers towards this work!


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